Whose Kids Are They, Anyway?

MSNBC host Melissa Harris-Perry caused a ruckus the other day with her assertion that Americans should move from a “parents own their kids” to a “communities own their kids” way of thinking. Right wing voices in the talkosphere have since been vociferously defending parental ownership of their children. Tristan Shoubt, as usual, offers a different take in his latest political cartoon.


If you want to share it, just link to this page or write for permission to tristan.shoubt@comcast.net.

~ by supplementally on April 11, 2013.

One Response to “Whose Kids Are They, Anyway?”

  1. I would prefer that laws evolve a bit more toward the kid in the cartoon’s view myself. As it is, parents own them, including addicts, active abusers and those who abuse by neglect. At least kids over 12 are asked who they want to live with in divorce cases now. That wasn’t done when I was little.

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